PowerPivot News

Apr 2, 2013 - New book released "Microsoft Excel 2013 - Building Data Models with PowerPivot"

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April 2, 2013 - New book released "Microsoft Excel 2013 - Building Data Models with PowerPivot by Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo".

Building Data Models with PowerPivot

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Your guide to quickly turn data into results.

Transform your skills, data, and business—and create your own BI solutions using software you already know and love: Microsoft Excel. Two business intelligence (BI) experts take you inside PowerPivot functionality for Excel® 2013, with a focus on real world scenarios, problem-solving, and data modeling. You'll learn how to quickly turn mass quantities of data into meaningful information and on-the-job results—no programming required!

  • Understand the differences between PowerPivot for Self Service BI and SQL Server Analysis Services for Corporate BI
  • Extend your existing data-analysis skills to create your own BI solutions
  • Quickly manipulate large data sets, often in millions of rows
  • Perform simple-to-sophisticated calculations and what-if analysis
  • Create complex reporting systems with data modeling and Data Analysis Expressions
  • Share your results effortlessly across your organization using Microsoft SharePoint®


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