Always navigate to the upper left-hand cell (A1) prior to saving the PowerPivot workbook
Clear out SharePoint server local cache from the folder c:\windows\temp\WebTempDir or aim the local cache to another folder
Gemini (PowerPivot)- Copy/Paste
If you are going to change a server’s static IP address after you have installed SharePoint 2010, please remember to reboot the server to make the new address become recognized. An ‘iisreset’ isn’t good enough
If your goal is to show PowerPivot charts to their best effect in the SharePoint PowerPivot Gallery, then Hide those chart data sheets
Import Filters in PowerPivot
It’s always a best practice to avoid filtering an entire table if the filter condition involves only some of the table columns (i.e. when no key/unique columns are used in the condition expression).
Make your PowerPivot on SharePoint “view only”
PowerPivot field list and Excel field list at same time!
PowerPivot Nuggets
PowerPivot Tips and Tricks - First Findings
PowerPivot: improve the performances by sorting tables
Q: How can I change connection information (server name, DB name, etc) for existing PowerPivot table?
Q: My PowerPivot table was loaded from the SQL Server table that recently was changed. How can I apply these source table changes to PowerPivot table?
SharePoint has a new high severity health rule for SharePoint 2010 that raises an error if your machines does not have 2X the amount of physical memory in free disk space
SharePoint keeps all documents even after they are deleted within the SharePoint content database for up to 30 days. To fully delete SharePoint documents and free up space you need to delete them from 3 places
Some fields are loaded into PowerPivot, but are not used in the pivot reports. Hide them in the PowerPivot by selecting column and then choosing menu "Hide columns"->"From Pivot table".
The 64-bit versions of Excel and the PowerPivot add-in will support significantly more data than the 32-bit versions. You must use the 64-bit versions if you are importing more than one million rows or columns of data.
Tips and Tricks for Troubleshooting a Microsoft SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint Installation
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