PowerPivot introduction videos - load, analyse and use in SharePoint
The first thing you need to do in PowerPivot is to load in some data. In this screencast data is pulled in from a variety of sources (including SQL Azure and Reporting Services) to show how simple and powerful the tools for this are.
Watch: PowerPivot part 1 - Loading Data
Having got all the data you need into Powerpivot, you will need to create relationships between the various sheets you have imported. You may also need to create some additional columns of data and filter what you have retrieved.
Watch: PowerPivot part 2 - Preparing data
PowerPivot is there for end users to quickly analyse their data. It does this by using the familiar pivot table and pivot chart tools, as well as the improved functionality in Excel 2010 such as slicers.
Watch: PowerPivot part 3 - Analysis
The Power of PowerPivot is for a user to be able to share their analysis with their team. The obvious choice for doing this is SharePoint and SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis services can be sepcially configured to support PowerPivot anlysis in SharePoint 2010. This screencast won't show you how to do that rather it shows the end user experience and what you can do with a PowerPivot once it's published to SharePoint.
Watch: PowerPivot part 4 - Sharing in SharePoint 2010
Allowing users to share their PowerPivots in SharePoint is very useful but does need to be managed by the IT Pro. In this screencast you can see the management dashboard that gets installed as part of PowerPivot in SharePoint 2010 to monitor the resources and usage of these PowerPivots
Watch: PowerPivot part 5 - Management
Tags: introduction, sharepoint, video, excel