Silverlight 4 + RIA Services - Ready for Business: Exposing OData Services

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OData is an emerging set of extensions for the ATOM protocol that makes it easier to share data over the web. To show off OData in RIA Services, let’s continue our series.       We think it is very interesting to expose OData from a DomainService to facilitate data sharing.   For example I might want users to be able to access my data in a rich way in Excel as well as my custom Silverlight client.   I’d like to be able to enable that without writing multiple services or duplicating any business or data access logic. 

This is very easy to enable with RIA Services.  In fact it is just a check box away!    When you create your DomainService simply check the “Expose OData endpoint” and that will expose your DomainService as an OData feed. 



Tags: load, excel, odata


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