Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010 Samples

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This PowerPivot for Excel 2010 Samples .exe file contains three Business Intelligence samples:
  • PowerPivot Healthcare Audit.xlsx
  • PowerPivot Tutorial Sample.xlsx
  • LCA BI - Financial Report Usage.xlsx

These PowerPivot workbooks provide examples on how PowerPivot can be used to import data, create relationships, create calculated columns and measures, and add PivotTables, slicers and PivotCharts.

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Comments from Vidas Matelis:

  • Download size: 91MB
  • Largest workbook "PowerPivotTutorialSample.xlsx" size: 113MB with one fact table containing 3.9mln records. Table naming in this workbook is not consistent as same dimension tables have prefix "dbo_dim", other dimension tables have no prefix
  • Workbook "PowerPivot Healthcare Audit.xlsx" size: 5MB with one fact table containing 44mln records
  • Workbook "LCA BI - Financial Report Usage.xlsx" size: 669KB.

Tags: sample, excel, download


2007-2015 VidasSoft Systems Inc.