Excel with PowerPivot for Custom Dimensions in Reports Blended with EDW Data

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Comprehensive Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) architecture and management requires a disciplined, centrally-managed strategy. Often, analysts within an organization require dimension designs that are complex and evolving. For example, subject matter experts for healthcare organizations often deal with dimensional attributes for healthcare performance measures such as ORYX, HEDIS, and Meaningful Use. Such cohort inclusion lists can be robust and are frequently evolving.

From an EDW perspective, Type 2 dimensions are often used to manage changing dimensional attributes. From a best practices standpoint, this approach is usually the best option. An enterprise approach which integrates slim forms into a comprehensive BI management plan is frequently used to manage changes. However, in the real world, the volume and frequency of dimension attribute changes often cannot realistically be managed with a comprehensive EDW BI strategy. Too many changes, happening too frequently, can cause budget and resource constraints


Tags: sample, design


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