Xtract for PowerPivot - SAP and PowerPivot seamless Integration

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Integrate all kinds of SAP- and BW data in PowerPivot. Xtract for PowerPivot gives you access to SAP tables, Queries, BAPIs and RFC as well as BW Cubes and ABAP Reports.
The following image shows the Xtract for PowerPivot architecture.



Xtract for PowerPivot essentially consists of two components: Xtract Server and Xtract Designer. Xtract Server is responsible for the actual extraction. PowerPivot communicate with Xtract Server, and these in turn with SAP.
You use Xtract Designer to define and configure the extractions.



The following screenshot shows SAP data in PowerPivot.


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Tags: excel, exrac, sap, tool


2007-2015 VidasSoft Systems Inc.