Q: I have integer amount that represents duration in seconds. How can show this amount in format "h:mm:ss"?
Q: I have integer amount that represents duration in seconds. How can show this amount in format "h:mm:ss"?
A: Create new calculated DAX measure "Duration". Formula for this measure will be:
=IF(SUM(Table1[DurationInSec])<60*60,"",FLOOR(SUM(Table1[DurationInSec])/60/60,1) & ":")
& IF(SUM(Table1[DurationInSec])<60,"", RIGHT("0" & FLOOR(MOD(SUM(Table1[DurationInSec]),3600)/60,1),2))
& ":" & RIGHT("0" & MOD(SUM(Table1[DurationInSec]),60),2)
Now when we use calculate DAX measure "Duration" in our reports we will see result in a form "h:mm:ss".
Note: above formula generates short form of "h:mm:ss" were "h:mm" part is optional:
- when duration is less than 1 hour then we do not display "h:" part.
- when duration is less than 1 minutes, then we do not display "mm:" part.
If you always want to see hour and minute part, you should use slightly adjusted DAX formula (measure "Duration Long"):
=IF(SUM(Table1[DurationInSec])<60*60,"0:", FLOOR(SUM(Table1[DurationInSec])/60/60,1) & ":")
& IF(SUM(Table1[DurationInSec])<60,"00", RIGHT("0" & FLOOR(MOD(SUM(Table1[DurationInSec]),3600)/60,1),2))
& ":" & RIGHT("0" & MOD(SUM(Table1[DurationInSec]),60),2)